

Good News from BiP and Yaay

Good News from BiP and Yaay

Due to the uneasiness caused by WhatsApp's new contract, many users switched to local applications, BiP andYaay. new cooperation moves came from GSM operators in Turkey. Turkcell General Manager Murat Erkan stated that Turkcell, Türk Telekom and Vodafone İletişim Pass users will not spend their internet quotas for BiP and Yaay applications. As a result of the cooperation between Turkcell, Türk Telekom and Vodafone in the new term in Bip and Yaay, Bip and Yaay applications will no longer be spent on your internet quota. Turkcell General Manager Murat Erkan announced the cooperation on his Twitter account as follows; Domestic communication applications, which have experienced an increase in the number of users after the WhatsApp contract dropped like a bomb, offer a great innovation to their users with the new era. With the development recorded as 'WhatsApp migration', there was an increase in users who downloaded BiP and Yaay. WhatsApp, which had 42 million daily users on January 1, lost about 6 percent of users in 10 days, declining to 39.8 million users. While Telegram had 4.41 million users on January 1, it increased by 272 percent in 10 days, reaching 12.02 million users. While BiP had 3.94 million active users on January 1, it reached 6.87 million users with an increase of approximately 174 percent. In addition, as a result of the transition to this new partnership with stepping period of operators in Turkey, the WhatsApp could cause you to lose more blood in Turkey. On the other hand, an increase in the number of users of the domestic platform BiP and Yaay is expected.

