

Developed Mosquito Cancer Detector

Developed Mosquito Cancer Detector

Japanese scientists developed a cancer detector by taking advantage of the mosquito's sense of smell. The detector, which will be launched at a low cost, will be on the market within 10 years. Advances in technology show up in many areas. These developments are also seen in the health sector. Together with the developments in health, especially cancer disease is focused on. There is also a lot of research on cancer in Japan. One of the studies conducted was a cancer detector. A cancer detector was developed by making use of the sniffing sense of mosquitoes, which have about 100 types of scent receptors in their antennas. Mosquitoes each of these scent receptors can detect the substance that emits odor. How was this detector that detects cancer from smell developed and how does it work? Cancer detector developed from mosquitoes. Prof. Takeuçi Shoji and his team studied scent receptors that can detect a chemical called octenol found in mosquitoes' human sweat. After these studies, they managed to produce an artificial cell membrane by placing the olfactory receptor that can detect octenol, which is considered one of the indicators of liver cancer. Scientists have also developed a sensor to be used between an artificial cell membrane. This sensor allows to detect the electric current that occurs when ions pass between the artificial membrane. He was able to detect octenol from human breath samples in a very short time.

